The Anglican Province of America is a living branch of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We profess the orthodox Christian Faith as received in the canonical Holy Scriptures, the three ancient Creeds, the Seven Ecumenical Councils, the consensus of the Church Fathers, and the Holy Tradition of the ancient and Undivided Church of the first millennium. We celebrate the seven Holy Sacraments of the historic Church. We joyfully proclaim the timeless Gospel of our Savior to all the world.
We are a “Continuing” Anglican Church because we continue to live and practice the fullness of the Christian Faith in its unique English form — English Catholicism — which has been present in England since the early second century. We can trace the term “Anglican” back to the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes of Europe. The tribal name was spelled “Engles” or “Angles,” as the tribes’ speech was the precursor to the English language. Their land became known as England and their Christians as Anglicans. Anglicans would eventually produce such pinnacles of the English language as the Book of Common Prayer and the Authorized Version of the Bible (KJV). Today, the Anglican Province of America maintains the historic Catholic faith in the Anglican tradition.
We are a “Continuing” Anglican Church because we continue to live and practice the fullness of the Christian Faith in its unique English form — English Catholicism — which has been present in England since the early second century. We can trace the term “Anglican” back to the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes of Europe. The tribal name was spelled “Engles” or “Angles,” as the tribes’ speech was the precursor to the English language. Their land became known as England and their Christians as Anglicans. Anglicans would eventually produce such pinnacles of the English language as the Book of Common Prayer and the Authorized Version of the Bible (KJV). Today, the Anglican Province of America maintains the historic Catholic faith in the Anglican tradition.